Call for Abstracts: APPS-TPRC 2025 Congress

The APPS-TPRC 2025 Congress is now open and ready for your submission.

Be part of the program!

Present interesting original research or case reports and prepare to discuss with experts onsite at the Congress. Visit our website at

The submission deadline is January 15, 2025!!

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Please read the submission rules BEFORE submitting an abstract.

1. Abstracts should be related to pediatric pulmonology, critical care, respiratory care, and sleep-breathing disorders. Original research, case series, or case reports are welcome.

2. Authors must indicate their preference for oral or e-poster presentations on the submission form.

3. Before submitting the abstract, the presenting author must ensure that all
co-authors are aware of its content and agree to its submission.

4. Abstracts must be original and must not have been published or presented in any prior meetings. However, an abstract used before but developed another aspect of research findings with different viewpoints will be acceptable.

5. Abstracts must be submitted in English

6. Submissions should be submitted online via the abstract submission system or send by e-mail: no later than January 15, 2025.

7. The congress registration of the presenting author is required.

8. Please indicate in the abstract form whether the author fulfills the criteria and would like to apply for the young investigator award or travel grant

8. Fill in the submission form and provide information as indicated.

9. Figure or table is limited to only one image in JPG, GIF, or PNG format and should be submitted as an attached file via email with a maximum size of 500 KB.

10. Use only standard abbreviations. Special or unusual abbreviations should be placed in parentheses after the whole word the first time they appear.

11. Use generic names of drugs. Commercial promotional content is prohibited.

Download Abstract Submission Form